The Situation: You’re making online rung changes to a Logix controller in Studio 5000, and you’re about to “compile and finalize” your edits. As you do, an error pops up in the diagnostic window, halting your progress. The message reads: “Error: Routine ‘Your_Routine_Name’: Compiler Error (0x0A). Call technical support.” Options to…
PowerFlex 525 Error F073 EN Net Loss
The Situation: You’re working with a PowerFlex VFD, and you encounter a fault intermittently. It doesn’t matter if the VFD is running or not; the fault code F073 pops up, indicating “EN Net Loss.” You are able to reset the error and restart the drive immediately, until it happens again. Rockwell…
Failed to load the VBA project for the display
The Situation: You’ve just made a change to some VBA code in a FactoryTalk SE version 12 network distributed application. You’re ready to launch a runtime client file, but you’re met with the error message: “Failed to load the VBA project for the display ‘your_display_name’ (Error: 0X1). The display cannot be…
The backup did not complete successfully!
The Situation: You’re in the process of backing up a FactoryTalk SE version 12 network distributed application using FactoryTalk View SE Application Manager, but you encounter an error message stating, “The backup did not complete successfully!” The Options: Below are some things you can try and a solution that worked for me:…
Failed to restore the application from the runtime file – FactoryTalk ME
The Situation: You’re working with FactoryTalk View ME Application Manager, attempting to restore a FactoryTalk ME (v11) runtime file. However, you’re running into an issue where FactoryTalk View Studio (v12) displays the error message: “Failed to restore the application from the runtime file.” The Options: When faced with this error, there are…